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Decisions on the Rules of Golf Click here to launch the Official Interpretations application

2023 Rules of Golf

Rules of Golf 2023

To purchase a copy of The Official Guide to the Rules of Golf contact your State Association.

Case Studies

Golf clubs around the country do amazing things in delivering the great game of golf to their community.

We love to hear of real life case studies from clubs who are willing to share initiatives that have resulted in improving their club performance.

Some examples of these initiative areas might include:

  • Membership recruitment & retention;

  • Innovative membership models;

  • Marketing and promotion;

  • IT strategies

  • Social media;

  • Member surveys;

  • Community engagement;

  • Volunteer programs;

  • Staff education and development;

  • Partnerships with other clubs or businesses;

  • Funding and grants

The case study can be sent in a number of forms; a newsletter article, an email message, a YouTube clip, an annual report article, an article from a magazine or local newspaper or any format that you would like to share.

Golf Premier League is a great example of a successful idea (to increase fun & participation) at one club that is now taking off with other clubs.

Email: [email protected]

Mail: Australian Golf Centre, Sandringham Golf Links, Cheltenham Road, Cheltenham VIC 3192

Research Studies

Golf Australia conducts extensive research in partnership with the industry and also draws on other relevant research to assist golf with developing evidence based strategies to ensure that the sport remains relevant and is able to adapt to an ever changing sporting and recreational landscape.   See also: ASC

At club level, evidence-based decisions are an important part of good governance.  It is important to be familiar with the wider golf market trends and interpret how they could be affecting your club from a short, medium and long-term perspective.

In recent years there has been a trend of increasing rounds of golf played among a trend of declining memberships.

These reports identify the current demand trends for Australian golf. Referencing the information contained within this report and accepting the wider market realities, the following recommendations are made as clubs and facilities generally seek long term sustainability.

Golf facility leaders are encouraged to:

  • attract more women, juniors and families to the game through national programs such as Vision 2025 and MyGolf

  • keep your members - investing in the new members and low users is a great way to reduce your membership attrition

  • make the game more fun and enjoyable by utilising multiple tee options and shorter courses

  • engage with the social golfer market such - they may be your future members

  • adapt your membership model to the changing needs of golfers in your location

  • become a leader in environmental sustainability on the course and in the clubhouse

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