Golf Australia

Rules of Golf - Video containing all Rules changes

  • IpH4yJmIwl0
    Rules of Golf - Video containing all Rules changes
  • 8eD4QvfBY18
    Rules of Golf - 20 Must-Know Rules
  • Lm_DsjAaemc
    36 Local Rule - Alternative to Stroke and Distance
  • dbBIrkLCpI0
    Pitch Marks – Repairing Pitch Marks That Interfere With Play by Golf Australia

Handicapping videos

  • YHD09RiiNHw
    Playing golf under Slope
  • lMythQb89XQ
    Slope and the GA Handicap System
  • jxoJ6-vSyuE
    More information on Slope in operation
  • OZlwIYs7dq8
    DSR and the GA Handicap System
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