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Inclusive Sport Framework

The demographic of the communities in which golf operates in Australia has changed dramatically in recent times. Today, 25% of Australia’s population is born overseas, almost 50% have one parent born in other countries, 260 languages are spoken, over 50% are women or girls, and more than one in five, or 4.3 million people, identify as having a disability. Click here for more details on the value of Diversity in Australia.

This Inclusive Sport Framework outlines how Golf Australia is working to create a more respectful, safer, non-discriminatory and inclusive sport for all. It also aims to highlight ways for everyone to get involved to promote inclusion and diversity across all levels of the game.

The Framework brings together everything we do around inclusion and diversity, including:

  • What we believe in (our Inclusion Commitment Statement)

  • What we do (our relevant strategies and programs)

  • Rights and responsibilities (our policies and codes)

  • How to get involved (resources, tools, an action plan and survey)

  • Education and training

The Inclusive sport framework is based on the 7 Pillars of Inclusion model – a new way of advancing diversity and inclusion in sport. We have developed FAQs – Inclusion in Practice, a Glossary of Terms, Tools & Resources and a Survey to test your progress.

This Framework also brings together relevant Research and reports, valuable Participation data on different population groups in golf, key Inclusion Contacts and our Partners in this work.

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