30 May 2021 | Women and girls |

Victor Harbor girls get parents playing

by Golf Australia

Australian Golf Foundation Junior Girls Golf Scholarship holders with their parents at Victor Harbour's Get Into Golf family event.
Australian Golf Foundation Junior Girls Golf Scholarship holders with their parents at Victor Harbour's Get Into Golf family event.

An hour south of Adelaide, on the coast, many parents have recently learnt what it takes to be a golfer, and a good one at that!

Victor Harbor Golf Club is participating in the Australian Golf Foundation Junior Girls Golf Scholarship program and has recently welcomed 10 junior girl members to the program.

To introduce the families of these scholarship girls and other juniors to the club, Victor Harbour recently ran a Get into Golf family event.

“We used the event to showcase our club as family friendly where both children and their parents can get involved,” explained Linda Hodgson, Community Instructor and Junior Coordinator at Victor Harbor.

“I felt it was important that the parents of our scholarship holders understand the learning and skill development these girls experience. Parents reflected that it was a steep learning curve but thoroughly enjoyed participating.”

The parents involvement has also created a source of inspiration for the girls.

Ten-year-old Moira who holds a scholarship, watches her Mum play and wants to be just like her.

She said she wants to play golf forever and become a professional.

The girls are also obtaining leadership opportunities within the club.

The club has appointed junior captains, including scholarship holder Lily Harris, and her role includes providing a voice to club committees along with setting up clinic equipment and delivering prizes on competition days.

Learn more about the Australian Golf Foundation Junior Girls Golf Scholarship program via the Vision 2025 website.

The Australian Golf Foundation is the national foundation for golf in Australia. The AGF supports Golf Australia’s vision to grow golf by investing in targeted initiatives to inspire all Australians to enjoy and play the game. Visit australiangolffoundation.org.au for further information.

The scholarship program has come to fruition thanks to the foresight and generosity of Bonnie Boezeman AO, Director of the Australian Golf Foundation, who originally established the program at Killara Golf Club, NSW.

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