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Child Safeguarding

Golf Australia and its Member Associations are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all children that are involved in the sport of golf in Australia. Our policies and procedures seek to address risks to child safety and to establish child safe culture and practices.

The below provides all those involved in the MyGolf junior program (including participants and their families, coordinators, and deliverers) the relevant education and awareness about safeguarding protections and complaint and reporting processes.

We recommend all relevant persons involved in the program read the below information and complete the online education and training.

The adoption of the National Integrity Framework (NIF) developed by Sport Integrity Australia, is a key step in ensuring that the core values of respect inclusion and building stronger and safer sporting environments for everyone involved in golf. The framework provides national sporting organizations with a suite of integrity polices, including the Child Safeguarding Policy, as well as access to an independent complaint handling process, run by Sport Integrity Australia.

This framework applies to all Activities organized or authorized by GA or a Golf Entity, which includes the MyGolf program.

Our full child safe commitment is set out in the Golf Australia Child Safeguarding Policy.

Annexure B: Child safe Commitment & Practices

1.1 We are committed to keeping Children safe (a) Through our Child Safeguarding Policy, we document our clear commitment to keeping Children safe from abuse and neglect. (b) We communicate our commitment to all our Employees and Volunteers and give them access to a copy of our commitment statement. 1.2 We promote equity and respect diversity (a) We recognise Children’s diverse circumstances and respond effectively to those with additional vulnerabilities. (b) We give all Children access to information, support, and a complaints process. (c) We consider the needs of all Children, particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children, Children with a disability, LGBTQI Children and Children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. 1.3 Our staff and volunteers know the behaviour we expect (a) We ensure that Relevant Persons involved in the delivery of Activities to Children understands their role and the behaviour we expect in relation to keeping Children safe from abuse and neglect through application of our Child Safe Practices. (b) We utilise clear position descriptions which clearly state relevant child safe requirements. (c) We have Child Safe Practices, which are approved and endorsed by Sport Integrity Australia and the GA Board that outlines our expectations for behaviour towards Children. (d) Our Employees and Volunteers are given a copy of and have access to the Child Safe Practices. (e) Our Employees and Volunteers indicate, in writing, that they have read and are committed to the Child Safe Practices. 1.4 We minimise the likelihood of recruiting a person who is unsuitable (a) We have appropriate measures in place to minimise the likelihood that we will recruit Employees or Volunteers who are unsuitable to work/volunteer with Children. (b) We will meet the requirements of the relevant state or territory Working with Children Check regulations. 1.5 Induction and training are part of our commitment (a) We will provide all new Relevant Persons with information about our commitment to Child Safety including our Child Safeguarding Policy, Child Safe Practices and Responding to Child Abuse Allegations. (b) We support ongoing education and training for our Employees and Volunteers to ensure child safety information is provided and updated as required. (c) We ensure that our Employees and Volunteers have up-to-date information relevant to specific legislation applying in the state or territory they are based in or where they may travel to as a part of their duties. 1.6 We encourage the involvement of Children and their parents (a) We involve and communicate with Children and their families in developing a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment. We will provide information to Children and their parents/carers (such as brochures, posters, handbooks, guidelines) about: (i) our commitment to keeping Children safe and communicating their rights; (ii) the behaviour we expect of our staff and volunteers and of themselves; (iii) this Policy and our process for responding to child abuse. (b) We have processes for encouraging two-way communication with Children and families. (c) We seek the feedback of Children and families and have a process for responding. (d) We respect diversity and seek to facilitate effective communication and involvement. 1.7 Our Employees and Volunteers understand their responsibility for reporting child abuse (a) Our policy for responding to child abuse is approved and endorsed by GA’s Board and applies to all our Employees and Volunteers. Employees and Volunteers must: (i) immediately report abuse or neglect and any concerns with policies, practices or the behaviour of Relevant Persons; (ii) meet any legislated mandatory or other jurisdictional reporting requirements; (iii) follow a specified process when reporting abuse or neglect. (b) Our Employees and Volunteers are given a copy of and have access to the Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy and understand the implications of the policy for their role. (c) We document any allegation, disclosure or concern regarding child abuse and monitor responses to all allegations, disclosures, or concerns. 1.8 We maintain and improve our policies and practices (a) We are committed to maintaining and improving our policies, procedures, and practices to keep Children safe from neglect and abuse. (b) We have assigned responsibility for regularly maintaining and improving our policies and procedures to GA’s National Integrity Manager. (c) We monitor our Employees, Volunteers, and external providers to ensure appropriate practice, behaviour and policies are followed. (d) We require our Employees and Volunteers to disclose convictions or charges affecting their suitability to work with Children. We review police record and WWCC checks regularly. (e) We have formally reviewed our service delivery to identify and document potential risks to Children. (f) We undertake formal reviews, at least annually, to identify and document potential risks to Children associated with our service delivery.

As part of the adoption of the NIF, Golf Australia is committed to providing education and awareness to participants, parents, coordinators and program deliverers to support the implementation and ensure there is awareness around safeguarding protections and complaint and reporting process.

This FREE online short course addresses the below outcomes:

  • Understand what child safeguarding in sport is

  • Understand what the Child Safeguarding policy is, who it applies to and when

  • Recognize prohibited conduct under this policy

  • Understand your responsibilities as a key person (i.e. parent, coordinator, coach, volunteer) involved in children’s sport

  • Understand the reporting process if a breach has occurred

All key people involved in the MyGolf program should complete this short course. It will only take 20-30 minutes to complete. To enrol in the course, click here.

The Play by the Rules – Child Protection and Safeguarding course is an additional free, online course that is suitable for coaches, administrators, participants suitable across all sporting codes that you may want to do for additional training.

Golf Australia and the PGA of Australia have completed an organization-wide implementation of the Oho platform to automate and streamline the monitoring and compliance of all program deliverers (PGA Professionals and Community Instructors) Working with Children Checks, to ensure the ongoing safety of all involved in the MyGolf program.

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