MyGolf Activity 8
Welcome to this week’s golf practice!
The below activity card outlines a game you can play at the golf course, golf practice range, or anywhere you have space, to further master the golf skills that you’re learning in your MyGolf program.
The minimal equipment required and the steps to set up the game can all be found on the front of the activity card as well as suggestions of how you can modify the game to challenge yourself or make it that little bit easier. On the back you will find a section to keep record of all your attempts, and becomes a neat way to track your progress and challenge yourself for next time.
Take a look and have a tee-rific time!
Activity Card
Full Swing – Football Golf
Rookie • 5-7
When do you feel...?
What makes you happy? How do you look when you’re happy?
What makes you sad? How do you look when you’re sad?
What makes you excited? How do you look when you’re excited?
Write or draw a situation of where you are and the people you are with when you are feeling each of the following;
Star • 8-10
Mood changers
When you are feeling a bit sad/down/tired we can do things to help shake off a bad mood and make us feel happier.
Music, laughter and exercise are all things that can make us feel happier. Give it a go this week and see if you can change your mood. Next time you are feeling a little down;
Listen to your favourite song – dance and sing along with it.
Watch something funny, read some jokes or do something silly.
Go for a bike ride, walk to the park or hit some golf balls.
Take notice of how you feel before and after.
Master • 11-12
Advertise me!
Marketing is when companies try to get people to buy their products. To do this they tell people what is the best features of the product they are trying to sell.
You are going to create an advertisement about yourself. You can draw, create online, make a video or voice recording.
Think of three things that are great about the you. What would people that know you say are your top strengths? Highlight these in the advertisement.
Think about how you can use/or have used these strengths to help you overcome difficult things.
In collaboration with The Resilience Project, we have produced a new digital series to support our program participants.
These videos talk through practicing positive mental health strategies to assist everyone to become happier, more resilient and improve their overall wellbeing.
For MyGolf participants there will be 10 videos in the series: Introduction, Gratitude Part 1 & 2, Empathy & Kindness Part 1 & 2 , Mindfulness Part 1 & 2, Emotional Literacy Part 1 & 2, and Summary.
Each video has a helpful tip or exercise you can do and practice throughout the week!
Emotional Literacy - Part 2...
MyGolf - Quiz 8
Test yourself with everything you've learned so far in MyGolf
- This quiz contains five questions.
- Select your answer then "Tee off" to check it.
- Look out for tips on how to answer from your caddie.